Lipdukų spausdintuvo tvarkyklė Seagull Scientific SSDAL

Lipdukų spausdintuvo tvarkyklė Seagull Scientific SSDAL
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Tel. 8-698-13646

Seagull Scientific SSDAL tvarkyklės pagalba galima spausdinti suformuotą lipduką (txt formato failas) tiesiogiai lipdukų spausdintuvu.

Godex spausdintuvų Seagull Scientific tvarkyklė.

Naudojamas BAT formato failas, kuris paleidžia tvarkyklės vykdomajį failą "ssdal.exe".

Vykdomojo failo vieta:
C:\Program Files\Seagull\Printer Drivers\Packages\2020.1\ssdal.exe

Txt failo komandų sąrašą (Godex EZPL) galima pažiūrėti programoje GoLabel. Tekstui spausdinti naudojamas spausdintuvo vidinis šriftas.

pvz. printer.txt


c:\windows\ssdal.exe /p "GODEX_DT2x" send "c:\printer.txt"

Taip pat komandinio failo pagalba galima importuoti lipdukų formatus į spausdintuvo nustatymus (sds failas).
c:\windows\ssdal.exe /p "GODEX_DT2x" settings import "c:\defaults.sds"


SSDAL - Seagull Scientific Driver Automation Layer
SSDAL is a command line tool to automate many common driver operations.

For more information, type the following:
ssdal help commands     Lists all commands.
ssdal help <command>     Help on a specific command.
ssdal help usage         Generic command line arguments.

C:\>ssdal help commands
action     Performs various actions on the printer driver.
get     Get printer information.
queue     Allows control of the printer queue.
send     Sends a file to the printer.
set     Set printer information.
settings     Manipulate the settings of the printer driver.
version     Gets version information.

C:\>ssdal help usage
SSDAL usage:

SSDAL [options] command [args ...]


/p <name> - Specify Printer. This option can be used multiple times to specify more than one printer.
example: ssdal /p "Printer1" /p "Printer2" get status

/a - All Printers. The command will be executed for each printer drive installed on the system.
example: ssdal /a settings import "C:\somefile.txt"

/q - Quiet Mode. No errors or warnings will be displayed.
example: ssdal /p "Printer 1" /q settings import "C:\somefile.txt"

command - a specific action to perform. Commands have their own help section. See individual command help for more information.

[args] - These are the arguments for the command. See individual help for commands.

The default printer is used if no printers are specified.

Not all commands support multiple printers. Check the help for the command to see if it supports multiple printers.


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